Can't make up my mind which is my fav photo- ENJOY !!

Yes I know there is a FACE in the window !

Linzee wants to go to school too !
This might be my favourite?

Or this one?


Cheeky kids .

Amelia with her "Buddie" Chloe

Charlotte with her "buddie" Charlotte

Well, I've NEVER been ready for school so early before.. The girls were up and dressed an hour before.. doing each others zippers, doing their own hair do's and telling me to hurry up and get dressed- following me with my clothes in hand. No tears.. everyone just SO excited and esp nice that their "Buddies" came looking for them to welcome them to school.. that did bring a tear to my eyes.. watching them hug these sweet older girls who will help settle them into the school community. One day my little girls will be big girls too !!