For those of you who met Barbra, no she is not just a fat little dog > She is a beautiful Champion Phalene from imported Swedish and Dutch bloodlines. After a long day on Monday hanging out together, doing our breathing and panting exercises, Barbra finally gave birth to two beautiful girls Monday evening. Mother and babies doing well. I've been a bit busy folks.. sorry if you are expecting cute Golden puppy photos today !!
Aust Champion Mondelise Funny Girl

Abbeyton Trail Blazer IMP UK
two big baby girls born 05/11/12
The MOST Sincere THANK YOU to Jim and Joan Savage of Abbeyton Papillons and Phalenes in Scotland, who have allowed their beautiful boy visit us in Australia, and entrust me with his care till he returns to them. Blaze is the sweetest, most gorgeous boy , and a credit to their breeding, and knowledge of this special breed. Can't wait to have his kids in the show ring promoting Phalenes in Oz !